Małgorzata Rószkiewicz

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Article focuses on the identification of factors affecting the non-response in Polish household surveys. The analyse uses data from the survey realized on a random sample of Polish households in 2013 in project Determinant of Educational Decisions. Logistic regression model and classification tree procedure and hybridization of this approach was used to identify factor affecting probability of non-responds. Noncontact and noncooperation in the study was considered separately. Results confirmed that noncontact and noncooperation are two entirely different processes and rules for participation in the study significantly differentiate into subpopulations of Polish households varied by socio-economic features. Efficient organization of the research process should take into account both regional differences in the availability and willingness of cooperation as well as the respondents’ preferences in regarding the way in making contacts.


no-response rate, noncontact, noncooperation, logistic regression, classification tree procedure, hybrid model


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